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Dierama Autumn Sparkler approx. 10 seeds Angels Fishing-Rods

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Product Details
Stiff upright wands sport close-packed clusters of brightest fluorescent pink, upwards-facing and not drooping, bells. It is the last, and the most unusual, of all dieramas to flower, giving colour right into October and November when all others have long finished. The photo here was taken in early November. The erect stems and open flowers of this extremely unique and desirable introduction give this plant more of an ixia-like appearance than any other dierama. It is a very rare plant recorded from only one small locality in Ngome east of Vryheid in montane South Africa. Along with the unusually marked 'eyes' at the petal bases, and its solid clumped habit, it is mooted that this gem may be the most primitive of all dierama species.

Height: 1 - 1.3m
Plant Class: grow as Perennial
Will Grow in Full Sun
Can be grown in Pots or Tubs
End Use: Borders, Dot Plant

When to Sow (indoors): Perennial, sow at any time. Germination can be irregular and slow. Cover lightly with vermiculite or fine seed compost. Germinate at 20°C, grow on cool at 15 - 20°C.
Prick out in to small pots as soon as the seedling are large enough to handle grow on at 10 - 15°C

Always use a good quality seed compost
Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.
Seeds are packed into Glassine envelopes or zip-lock bags to keep them fresh
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